AFC Meets Data Policies and Industry Regulations with Secure ExaGrid System
As a healthcare organization, American Family Care’s IT organizations must adhere to stringent data policies and PHI regulations. The company has a seven-year data retention policy, for example. They use the ExaGrid system for on-prem, long-term storage and high-capacity storage, and rely on an offsite vendor for historical storage. This system has been working well and Clemmons credits ExaGrid for helping them meet these mandates.
Clemmons appreciates ExaGrid’s comprehensive security features. “We have 2FA set up on our production and backup and remote site. We use Retention Time-Lock for Ransomware Recovery and multi-account setups. That schema works great for us—you can have an authorized user account as well as administrative user accounts,” he said.
ExaGrid appliances have a network-facing disk-cache Landing Zone where the most recent backups are stored in an undeduplicated format for fast backup and restore performance. Data is deduplicated into a non-network-facing tier called the Repository Tier, for longer-term retention. ExaGrid’s unique architecture and features provide comprehensive security including Retention Time-Lock for Ransomware Recovery (RTL), and through the combination of a non-network-facing tier (tiered air gap), a delayed delete policy, and immutable data objects, backup data is protected from being deleted or encrypted. ExaGrid’s offline tier is ready for recovery in the event of an attack.