ExaGrid Security Features Offer Peace of Mind
Security is top of mind for every IT organization and Central San is no different. Serving a constituency as large as Contra Costa County means the agency needs to be vigilant and proactive in their approach to securing their data.
“Every user that has access to the ExaGrid system is set up with 2FA [two-factor authentication], which is very easy to set up on ExaGrid,” says Carchidi. “There’s also role-based access that is key to security, and it’s just been a rock for us. We’ve had no problems.”
The district’s retention policy is open-ended, meaning they keep everything forever. ExaGrid can help them manage not only their data retention but equip them with the ability to quickly recover in the event of a ransomware attack.
ExaGrid appliances have a network-facing disk-cache Landing Zone where the most recent backups are stored in an undeduplicated format for fast backup and restore performance. Data is deduplicated into a non-network-facing tier called the Repository Tier, for longer-term retention. ExaGrid’s unique architecture and features provide comprehensive security including Retention Time-Lock for Ransomware Recovery (RTL), and through the combination of a non-network-facing tier (tiered air gap), a delayed delete policy, and immutable data objects, backup data is protected from being deleted or encrypted. ExaGrid’s offline tier is ready for recovery in the event of an attack.
“ExaGrid gives me peace of mind,” Carchidi says. “It’s always there, always humming away, always doing its thing. It makes my job easier. And the fact that ExaGrid and Veeam are so tightly integrated and combine to exponentially increase dedupe ratios is just icing on the cake.”