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Analyst Report

Technical Review: ExaGrid Retention Time-Lock for Ransomware Recovery
TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group reviewed ExaGrid’s Retention Time-Lock (RTL) for Ransomware Recovery solution. We focused on the benefits RTL offers to organizations in terms of their readiness for ransomware attacks and security policies for data...
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Analyst Report

2024-25 DCIG TOP 5 Sub-2PB Cyber Secure Backup Targets – Global Edition
DCIG evaluated over 100 different storage systems of which thirteen met DCIG’s criteria for a sub-2PB cyber secure backup target. Across these thirteen backup targets, DCIG evaluated over 170 features on each one, including the ExaGrid EX18.
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Analyst Report

2024-25 DCIG TOP 5 2PB+ Cyber Secure Backup Target U.S. Edition Report
In preparing this report, DCIG formally evaluated over 100 different storage systems based on multiple different features and capabilities. 25 of these solutions met DCIG’s criteria for a 2PB+ Cyber Secure Backup Target in the US Edition of this report.
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Analyst Report

2024-25 DCIG TOP 5 2PB+ Cyber Secure Backup Target Global Edition Report
DCIG is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the 2024-25 DCIG TOP 5 2PB+ Cyber Secure Backup Target Global Edition Report. This report provides guidance on the TOP 5 cyber secure backup targets that enterprises should consider in their fight...
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Analyst Report

ExaGrid With Commvault: Maximum Deduplication Savings With Easy Management
This report documents a validation by TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group of ExaGrid testing that demonstrated both the capacity savings and ease of use available from a combined ExaGrid and Commvault backup solution.
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Analyst Report

Overcoming Backup Appliance Conventional Wisdom
ExaGrid has defied conventional wisdom almost from its start. It is a scale-out backup storage system that leverages a landing zone and adaptive deduplication, making it ideal for the instant recovery era [..] it has the DR RPO of inline but the ingest and...
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Analyst Report

DCIG 2018 Deduplication Backup Target Appliance Buyer’s Guide
The DCIG 2018 Deduplication Backup Target Appliance Buyer’s Guide drives time and cost out of the product selection process by enabling prospective buyers to more quickly identify a shortlist of products that meet their specific needs. Thus, prospective...
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Analyst Report

ExaGrid-Veeam Accelerated Data Mover
This ESG Lab review documents hands-on testing of the ExaGrid-Veeam Accelerated Data Mover, with particular focus on its ability to improve the performance and efficiency of both full and synthetic full backups.
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Analyst Report

DCIG 2016-17 U.S. Enterprise Deduplicating Backup Appliance Buyer’s Guide
DCIG once again looks at deduplication in its 2016-17 U.S. Enterprise Deduplicating Backup Appliance Buyer's Guide, refreshing last year's guide on this same topic. The introduction of new technologies and updating existing technologies in these appliances...
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Analyst Report

Three Recommendations for Evaluating Data Deduplication to Ensure Storage and Bandwidth Efficiency While Delivering Fast Backups, Restores, and Recoveries
Although deduplication solves disk storage and offsite replication challenges, deduplication by its very nature is highly compute intensive and creates three new challenges around backup and restore. By not understanding these three new challenges, many...
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