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Bezeroaren arrakasta-historia

Bezeroaren arrakasta-historia

Curry konderriak azpiegiturak modernizatzen ditu ExaGrid-Veeam irtenbide seguruarekin


Curry County, New Mexico was established in 1909 and lies on the far eastern side of the state, sharing a border with Texas. The 1,400+ square mile county is one of the smallest counties in New Mexico but one with a storied past. Clovis, the County Seat of Curry County was once an endless see of prairie grass that became a town-site for the Santa Fe Railway, and decades later, a booming city. Today, Curry County is home to nearly 50,000 residents.

Abantaila nagusiak:

  • ExaGrid-Veeam deduplication helps Curry County meet state-mandated retention policies
  • Easy-to-manage solution with industry-leading support
  • ExaGrid provides Curry Country with comprehensive security for data protection and ransomware recovery
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"ExaGrid Tired Backup Storage-n eskuragarri dagoen segurtasuna benetan modernoa da eta gaur egungo industriako estandar zorrotzei eusten die. ExaGrid-ek sistema oso segurua eskaintzen du eta nire saileko erabiltzaileei roletan oinarritutako sarbide maila desberdinak esleitzeko aukera ematen dit. Garrantzitsua da guretzat. kontrol eta segurtasun maila hori edukitzea».

Todd Ulses, IT Director

ExaGrid Meets Modernization Requirements for Backup Storage

As the IT Director for a local government, Curry County’s Todd Ulses must ensure that his department adheres to certain standards around data protection. The county’s legacy systems weren’t cutting it. “We needed a modern solution, one that was more dependable and offered better security. We decided to look for a system that was easier to manage, offered longer-term retention of our data, could maximize deduplication ratios, and would be able to help us recover in the event of a ransomware attack.”

While researching a new backup storage solution that would integrate with Veeam, Ulses sought recommendations from peers outside his organization and was led to ExaGrid. “I did my homework. I called around and spoke with a few different people who gave great reviews on both ExaGrid and Veeam. That was part of what sold us on ExaGrid—the relationship the two companies have,” he said.

ExaGrid System Easy to Install and Manage with Proactive Support

Ulses has been pleased with the simplicity of using the ExaGrid system and appreciates ExaGrid’s support model of working with an assigned support engineer. “The setup and configuration were easy—I got the appliance rack-mounted and with the help of our ExaGrid support engineer we were up and running quickly. It was a very seamless process,” he said. “In addition, I don’t have to spend a lot of time managing the solution, which is very much appreciated.”

ExaGrid sistema erraz konfiguratzeko eta funtzionatzeko diseinatu zen. ExaGrid-en sektoreko 2. mailako goi mailako laguntza-ingeniariak banakako bezeroei esleitzen zaizkie, beti ingeniari berarekin lan egiten dutela ziurtatuz. Bezeroek ez diete inoiz errepikatu behar hainbat laguntza-langileei, eta arazoak azkar konpontzen dira.

“ExaGrid support has been very proactive in contacting me when there are updates to the systems or new versions are out,” said Ulses. “Any time I’ve contacted my support engineer, he’s been very responsive to me. When I’ve worked with other companies and I have called support, it seemed like I would be lucky to hear back the same day. Any time I’ve contacted ExaGrid support, I’ve gotten a reply within the same day.”

ExaGrid Security Features Help Maintain Standards

As a local government, data security and the ability to quickly recover from ransomware attacks is vital to Curry County’s IT Department. Having the ExaGrid system in place gives Ulses and his team confidence in their data protection and he feels that the comprehensive security that the architecture offers is one of the most compelling features of the ExaGrid system.

“The security that’s available on ExaGrid Tiered Backup Storage is truly modern and keeps up with today’s rigorous industry standards. ExaGrid offers a very secure system and allows me to assign different levels of role-based access for users in my department. It’s important to us to have that level of control and security,” he said.

ExaGrid tresnak sarera begira dagoen disko-cacheko Landing Zone bat dute, non azken babeskopiak bikoiztu gabeko formatuan gordetzen diren babeskopia azkar eta leheneratzeko. Datuak biltegiratze maila izeneko sarera begira ez dagoen maila batean desbikoizten dira, epe luzeagoan gordetzeko. ExaGrid-en arkitektura eta ezaugarri bereziak segurtasun osoa eskaintzen dute barne Atxikitze denbora-blokeoa Ransomware berreskuratzeko (RTL), eta sarera begira ez dagoen maila bat (mailako aire-hutsunea), atzeratutako ezabatze-politika eta aldaezinak diren datu-objektuak konbinatuz, babeskopien datuak ezabatzetik edo enkriptatzeaz babestuta daude. ExaGrid-en lineaz kanpoko maila eraso bat gertatuz gero berreskuratzeko prest dago.


ExaGrid Helps Manage State-Mandated Retention Policies

One of the reasons the county sought to modernize its backup storage infrastructure was that the legacy backup solution that the county had used did not offer data deduplication. ExaGrid-Veeam combined deduplication provides storage savings, enabling longer-term retention of data.

Curry County’s IT department manages a mostly virtualized environment as well as a few physical servers. “The agency backs up a lot of data in addition to full database backups, and there are a variety of different media types that need backing up,” said Ulses. “The State of New Mexico has certain requirements around how long we have to keep data, and we have to ensure we keep data in accordance with the state’s mandated policies around data retention. Certain data must be kept for a year, other data is kept for five years, and there is some data we must keep forever.”

ExaGrid-ek zuzeneko babeskopiak idazten ditu disko-cacheko Landing Zone batean, lineako prozesamendua saihestuz eta ahalik eta babeskopia-errendimendu handiena bermatuz, eta horrek babeskopia-leiho laburrenean lortzen du. Adaptive Deduplication-ek desduplicazioa eta erreplikazioa egiten ditu babeskopiekin paraleloan berreskuratze puntu sendo baterako (RPO). Datuak biltegira desduplikatzen ari direnez, bigarren ExaGrid gune batera edo hondamendiak berreskuratzeko (DR) hodei publikora ere errepika daitezke.

Veeam-ek aldatutako blokeen jarraipena erabiltzen du datuen desduplicazio maila bat egiteko. ExaGrid-ek Veeam deduplication eta Veeam dedupe-ren konpresioa onartzen du. ExaGrid-ek Veeam-en deduplicazioa 7:1 inguruko faktore batean handituko du, guztira 14:1eko desduplicazio-ratio konbinatua lortzeko, beharrezkoa den biltegiratzea murriztuz eta biltegiratze-kostuak aurreztuz eta denboran zehar.

Scale-out Architecture Key for Data Growth

Ulses appreciates that as the county’s data grows, his team can easily add more ExaGrid appliances to the existing system without any forklift upgrades.

ExaGrid’s appliance models can be mixed and matched into a single scale-out system allowing a full backup of up to 6PB with a combined ingest rate of 516TB/hour in a single system. The appliances automatically join the scale-out system. Each appliance includes the appropriate amount of processor, memory, disk, and bandwidth for the data size. By adding compute with capacity, the backup window remains fixed in length as the data grows. Automatic load balancing across all repositories allows for full utilization of all appliances. Data is deduplicated into an offline repository, and additionally, data is globally deduplicated across all repositories.

Veeam eta ExaGrid

Veeam’s backup solutions and ExaGrid’s Tiered Backup Storage combine for the industry’s fastest backups, fastest restores, a scale-out storage system as data grows, and a strong ransomware recovery story—all at the lowest cost.

ExaGrid-i buruz

ExaGrid-ek mailakako babeskopia-biltegiratzea eskaintzen du disko-cacheko Landing Zone berezi batekin, babeskopia eta leheneratu azkarrenak ahalbidetzen dituena, epe luzerako atxikipenerako kosturik txikiena eskaintzen duen Biltegiaren Maila bat eta ransomwarea berreskuratzeko aukera ematen duena, eta eskalatze-arkitektura, gailu osoak barne hartzen dituena. 6PB babeskopia osoa sistema bakarrean.

Hitz egin iezaguzu zure beharrei buruz

ExaGrid babeskopien biltegian aditua da; hori da egiten dugun guztia.

Eskatu prezioak

Gure taldea trebatuta dago zure sistema behar bezala tamaina eta euskarria dela ziurtatzeko, gero eta handiagoak diren datu-beharrei erantzuteko.

Jarri gurekin harremanetan prezioak lortzeko »

Hitz egin gure sistema-ingeniarietako batekin

ExaGrid-en mailakako babeskopien biltegiarekin, sistemako tresna bakoitzak diskoa ez ezik, memoria, banda-zabalera eta prozesatzeko potentzia ere ekartzen ditu, babeskopien errendimendu handia mantentzeko beharrezkoak diren elementu guztiak.

Antolatu deia »

Programatu kontzeptuaren froga (POC)

Probatu ExaGrid zure ingurunean instalatuz, babeskopien errendimendu hobeak, leheneratu azkarragoak, erabiltzeko erraztasuna eta eskalagarritasuna lortzeko. Jarri proban! Probatzen duten 8etik 10k, mantentzea erabakitzen dute.

Antolatu orain »