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ExaGrid Tħabbar l-Ewwel Ħames Tbassir għas-Suq tal-Backup u l-Irkupru fl-2013

ExaGrid Tħabbar l-Ewwel Ħames Tbassir għas-Suq tal-Backup u l-Irkupru fl-2013

Decline of tape as primary backup target, increasing opportunities in the cloud, and need for instant recovery among key trends to watch

Westborough, Mass., 18 ta’ Diċembru, 2012 – ExaGrid Systems, Inc. (www.exagrid.com), il-mexxej f'soluzzjonijiet ta 'backup bbażati fuq disk skalabbli u kost-effettivi ma' deduplikazzjoni tad-data, today released its top five predictions for the worldwide backup and recovery market in 2013.

As organizations cope with data growth and look to gain greater operational efficiency and increased value from IT investments, ExaGrid has identified the following trends as ones that will continue transforming backup and recovery in the coming year:

  1. Disk continues to replace tape:  The movement away from tape as a primary backup target to disk-based systems with deduplication as a primary backup target will accelerate. The market for purpose-built disk backup appliances will approach $3 billion dollars in annual revenues, according to IDC.
    • Appliances will continue to be the preferred form factor for this movement.
  2. SMBs looking to the cloud for primary backups:  Small businesses across all industries will continue to turn to a series of cloud providers for their end-to-end backup needs, including using the cloud as the primary backup target.
  3. Mid-market to enterprise will consider cloud for DR:  Mid-market to enterprise companies will begin to investigate selective use of the cloud for storing disaster recovery copies of their backup data.
    • These enterprises recognize the cloud cannot serve as the primary target (as it can for small business) due to the logistics of initial backup and subsequent recoveries.
    • Initially, the cloud will serve as a repository for lower priority data and longer term archiving of backup.
  4. Instant recovery will gain broader adoption:  Data protection software products will continue to bring innovative features to market that allow customers to instantly leverage their disk-based backups in production in the event of failure, versus going through prolonged restore procedures.
    • Users will benefit from significantly reduced downtime—typically in minutes with instant recovery from disk backup, instead of hours—and therefore increased productivity.
    • Instant recovery of virtual machines is a key example of this growing trend.
  5. Advanced capabilities bring backup window relief:  IT professionals will continue to leverage features that reduce the need to move full copies of data during backups, providing continued relief to the backup window problem.
    • Use of synthetic techniques to create full recovery points will continue, driving increased adoption of deduplication in disk-based backup storage appliances.

Kwotazzjoni ta' appoġġ:
Dave Therrien, Chief Technical Officer and Founder of ExaGrid: “Organizations that are focused on implementing new backup approaches that can scale to accommodate data growth rates of 30 percent or more–while keeping total system costs low to protect IT budgets–will be best positioned for this period of rapid change. Based on the convergence of each of these important trends in 2013, organizations can no longer look at backup and recovery as a lower priority data center initiative.”

For further commentary about these predictions,visit “ExaGrid’s Eye on Deduplication” blog: http://blog.exagrid.com/.

Dwar it-Teknoloġija ta' ExaGrid:
Is-sistema ExaGrid hija apparat tal-backup tad-diska plug-and-play li jaħdem ma 'applikazzjonijiet ta' backup eżistenti u jippermetti backups u restawr aktar mgħaġġla u affidabbli. Il-klijenti jirrappurtaw li l-ħin tal-backup jitnaqqas bi 30 sa 90 fil-mija fuq il-backup tat-tejp tradizzjonali. It-teknoloġija tad-deduplikazzjoni tad-data fil-livell tal-byte privattiva ta 'ExaGrid u l-kompressjoni tal-backup l-aktar riċenti tnaqqas l-ammont ta' spazju fuq id-diska meħtieġ b'firxa ta '10:1 għal għoli daqs 50:1 jew aktar, li jirriżulta fi spiża komparabbli mal-backup tradizzjonali bbażata fuq tejp.

Dwar ExaGrid Systems, Inc.:

ExaGrid offers the only disk-based backup appliance with data deduplication purpose-built for backup that leverages a unique architecture optimized for performance, scalability and price. The combination of post-process deduplication, most recent backup cache, and GRID scalability enables IT departments to achieve the shortest backup window and the fastest, most reliable restores, tape copy, and disaster recovery without backup window expansion or forklift upgrades as data grows. With offices and distribution worldwide, ExaGrid has more than 5,000 systems installed at more than 1,500 customers, and more than 300 published customer success stories.  For more information, contact ExaGrid at 800-868-6985 or visit www.exagrid.com.

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ExaGrid hija trademark reġistrata ta' ExaGrid Systems, Inc. It-trademarks l-oħra kollha huma l-proprjetà tad-detenturi rispettivi tagħhom.