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ExaGrid Disk Backup b'Deduplication Issa Disponibbli Permezz ta' Ingram Micro Channel Partners fl-Istati Uniti

ExaGrid Disk Backup b'Deduplication Issa Disponibbli Permezz ta' Ingram Micro Channel Partners fl-Istati Uniti

ExaGrid announces North American distribution agreement with world’s largest technology distributor

Westborough, Mass. – July 11 , 2013 - ExaGrid Systems, Inc., il-mexxej f'soluzzjonijiet ta 'backup kost-effettivi u skalabbli bbażati fuq disk ma deduplikazzjoni tad-data, today announced a strategic distribution agreement with Ingram Micro Inc. (NYSE: IM), the world’s largest technology distributor. Under the terms of the agreement, ExaGrid’s disk backup with deduplication appliances that enable faster, more reliable data backup and recovery will be available in North America through Ingram Micro effective immediately.

The new alliance between ExaGrid and Ingram Micro will enable ExaGrid to grow the company’s market reach by leveraging Ingram Micro’s extensive IT reseller channel to recruit new channel partners and drive further visibility for ExaGrid in the channel. ExaGrid has one of the most aggressive and innovative channel programs in the industry, including high margins and sales incentives as well as a range of co-marketing programs. ExaGrid also understands today’s business environment and has modeled its reseller program to allow resellers to ramp without any up-front commitments of time, inventory, or certifications.

“We are very excited to be working with the largest and best technology distributor in the world, and we look forward to expanding our revenue potential and market reach via Ingram Micro’s extensive U.S. IT reseller channel,” said Nick Ganio, ExaGrid VP of Sales. “Ingram Micro is recognized for bringing the industry’s leading technology products to market, and ExaGrid’s award-winning disk backup with deduplication solution is recognized for its unique architecture that delivers the fastest backups and restores without costly forklift upgrades. We are very pleased that ExaGrid’s disk backup solution is now available within Ingram Micro’s product portfolio.”

“As the need for storage continues to grow, demand for business-built backup solutions is rising and bringing with it a great sales opportunity for vendors and channel partners alike,” said Bill Brandel, senior director of Ingram Micro’s Advanced Computing Division. “We are very pleased to now be offering ExaGrid disk backup to our channel partners as part of our portfolio.”

ExaGrid, its management, and its channel program have received numerous industry awards including Business Solutions Best Channel Vendor, CRN Data Center 100, CRN Channel Chief, and CRN’s 5-Star Partner Program rating, which recognizes the elite subset of vendors that offer the best partnering elements in their channel programs. For more information, visit /Partners/Reseller-Program/.

About Ingram Micro Inc.
Ingram Micro is the world’s largest wholesale technology distributor and a global leader in IT supply-chain, mobile device lifecycle services and logistics solutions. As a vital link in the technology value chain, Ingram Micro creates sales and profitability opportunities for vendors and resellers through unique marketing programs, outsourced logistics and mobile solutions, technical support, financial services and product aggregation and distribution. The company is the only global broad-based IT distributor, serving approximately 160 countries on six continents with the world’s most comprehensive portfolio of IT products and services. Visit www.ingrammicro.com.

Dwar ExaGrid Systems, Inc.

ExaGrid joffri l-uniku apparat ta 'backup bbażat fuq disk b'deduplikazzjoni tad-data mibnija apposta għall-backup li jisfrutta arkitettura unika ottimizzata għall-prestazzjoni, l-iskalabbiltà u l-prezz. ExaGrid hija l-unika soluzzjoni li tgħaqqad il-komputazzjoni mal-kapaċità u żona ta 'inżul unika biex tqassar b'mod permanenti t-twieqi tal-backup, telimina titjib għaljin tal-forklifts, tikseb l-aktar restawr veloċi tas-sistema sħiħa u kopji tat-tejp, u rrestawra malajr fajls, VMs u oġġetti f'minuti. B'uffiċċji u distribuzzjoni madwar id-dinja, ExaGrid għandha aktar minn 6,500 sistema installata f'aktar minn 1,700 klijent, u aktar minn 320 storja ta 'suċċess tal-klijenti ppubblikati.

Għal aktar informazzjoni, ikkuntattja lil ExaGrid fuq 800-868-6985 jew żur www.exagrid.com. Żur il-blog “ExaGrid's Eye on Deduplication”: http://blog.exagrid.com/.

ExaGrid hija trademark reġistrata ta' ExaGrid Systems, Inc. It-trademarks l-oħra kollha huma l-proprjetà tad-detenturi rispettivi tagħhom.