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Купци побољшавају опоравак ВМ помоћу ЕкаГрид и Вееам заједничког решења

Купци побољшавају опоравак ВМ помоћу ЕкаГрид и Вееам заједничког решења

Integrated ExaGrid and Veeam Solution Allows Companies to Optimize Data Protection and Storage with Faster Backups and Restores

Westborough, MA — July 3, 2012 — ЕкаГрид® Системс, Инц., the leader in cost-effective and scalable disk-based backup solutions with data deduplication, today announced that an increasing number of companies are leveraging ExaGrid’s disk-based backup with deduplication systems and Veeam Software’s virtual server data protection solutions to enable faster backups, instant virtual machine (VM) restores, more efficient data storage and offsite replication.

ИТ одељења су под изазовом раста података, дужих периода чувања и потребе да се брзо опораве када системи покваре. Ово у комбинацији са пролиферацијом виртуелизованих сервера значи да постоји већа потреба да ИТ одељења имају бољу резервну копију и опоравак од катастрофе за ВМ.

Veeam Backup & Replication provides fast, flexible and reliable recovery of virtualized applications and data for both VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V. The ExaGrid and Veeam partnership offers a cost-effective disk-based backup solution maximizing data reduction, accelerating recovery times and offering scalability to handle data growth without costly forklift upgrades.

Joint customers of ExaGrid and Veeam’s industry-leading VMware data protection solutions can target their Veeam-based virtual machine backups to the ExaGrid appliance. Unlike competing disk backup appliances which only maintain a deduplicated copy of data and can take hours to reassemble or “rehydrate” the backup data, ExaGrid’s high speed landing zone maintains a full copy of the latest Veeam backups in their original formats. This means that users can instantly recover and run a VM from the ExaGrid system in case the primary VM is unavailable.

Portland, OR-based Hoffman Construction Co., one of the largest general contractors in the U.S. with an annual volume of more than $1 billion, has leveraged the ExaGrid/Veeam integration to maximize its data reduction and achieve fast, reliable backups and restores.

  • The IT team at Hoffman Construction supports about 600 users who require continuous access to data and servers over WAN connections. The team had been running VM snapshots to backup to tape, but the backup windows were growing. A backup of a single database would take as long as six hours to complete. The company was at risk that its data wouldn’t be protected in the event of a failure.
  • Hoffman Construction began turning to disk-based backup for the virtualized servers in 2010, including five VMware ESX hosts and 60 VMs. Hoffman was restoring its VMs and the Veeam backups on the same storage area network (SAN). Storage volume took up so much of the SAN’s capacity that Hoffman’s IT team had limited ability to add more VMs as needed.
  • Needing to restore 100 percent of its VMs almost instantly, Hoffman Construction implemented the solution that integrates Veeam Backup & Replication with ExaGrid’s unique landing zone architecture, providing fast and reliable backups. The Hoffman IT team can run an entire VM directly from the ExaGrid system, which minimizes downtime and disruption.
  • The combined ExaGrid and Veeam solution can scale as Hoffman’s data grows by simply plugging in more ExaGrid appliances, creating a larger virtual pool of storage. Because of ExaGrid’s GRID architecture, the amount of backup capacity can expand seamlessly, with no costly forklift upgrades.
  • Hoffman Construction recently suffered a major SAN crash, losing all of the data stored on its VMs. However, thanks to the Veeam/ExaGrid solution, the IT team was able to restore 100 percent of the VMs right away.

The combination of ExaGrid and Veeam is also enabling faster backups and more efficient data storage for a number of other large companies, including:

  • American Standard, a leading North American manufacturer of bath and kitchen products.
  • Luby’s Fuddruckers Restaurants LLC, which operates restaurants under the brands Luby’s Cafeteria and Fuddruckers and provides foodservice management through its Luby’s Culinary Services division.
  • Poulin Grain, Inc., a Vermont-based company specializing in high quality dairy, equine, pet and livestock feeds.

Пратећи цитати:

  • Kelly Bott, field technician and technical specialist for Hoffman Construction: “With the ExaGrid and Veeam configuration, we have gained a huge amount of confidence and a real peace of mind. Before we had the combination of ExaGrid and Veeam, we were facing a big risk that if the SAN went down, we didn’t have terabytes of recoverability available to us. Our VM restores are much faster. This integrated solution is absolutely a winning scenario in flexibility and scalability.”
  • Марц Цреспи, потпредсједник управљања производима за ЕкаГрид: “Companies like Hoffman Construction are reaping significant benefits from the integration of Veeam and ExaGrid, including greater availability of their virtualized environments and a significantly shorter recovery time. Combined, Veeam and ExaGrid enable on and offsite backups to grow with your organization’s needs cost-effectively, and without the hassle of ongoing management and configuration.”
  • Rick Hoffman, VP of channels and alliances at Veeam: “With the ExaGrid and Veeam integration and ExaGrid’s architecture, backups are always ready in complete form to instantly restore, which saves Veeam customers from the frustrations of having to rehydrate backup data.  Companies like Hoffman Construction are saving valuable time and headaches leveraging the ExaGrid architecture in tandem with Veeam Backup and Replication.”

О Вееам софтверу
Вееам® Софтваре развија иновативна решења за ВМваре резервна копија, Хипер-В резервна копија, и управљање виртуелизацијом. Veeam Backup & Replication™ is the #1 VM Backup solution. Veeam ONE™ is a single solution for real-time monitoring, resource optimization and management reporting for VMware and Hyper-V. The Veeam Management Pack™ (MP) and Smart Plug-in™ (SPI) extend enterprise monitoring to VMware through Microsoft System Center and HP Operations Manager. Veeam also provides бесплатни алати за виртуелизацију. Сазнајте више тако што ћете посетити http://www.veeam.com/.

О ЕкаГрид технологији:

ЕкаГрид систем је плуг-анд-плаи уређај за прављење резервних копија диска који ради са постојећим апликацијама за прављење резервних копија и омогућава брже и поузданије прављење резервних копија и враћања. Корисници наводе да је време прављења резервних копија смањено за 30 до 90 процената у односу на традиционалну резервну копију траке. ЕкаГрид-ова патентирана технологија дедупликације података на нивоу зоне и најновија компресија резервних копија смањују количину потребног простора на диску за опсег од 10:1 до чак 50:1 или више, што доводи до цене упоредиве са традиционалном резервном копијом заснованом на траци.

О ЕкаГрид Системс, Инц.:
ЕкаГрид нуди једини уређај за прављење резервних копија заснован на диску са дедупликацијом података, наменски направљен за прављење резервних копија, који користи јединствену архитектуру оптимизовану за перформансе, скалабилност и цену. Комбинација постпроцесне дедупликације, најновијег кеша резервних копија и ГРИД скалабилности омогућава ИТ одељењима да постигну најкраћи период за прављење резервних копија и најбрже, најпоузданије обнављање и опоравак од катастрофе без проширења прозора резервне копије или надоградње виљушкара како подаци расту. Са канцеларијама и дистрибуцијом широм света, ЕкаГрид има више од 4,200 система инсталираних на више од 1,300 купаца и преко 290 објављених прича о успеху корисника.

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ЕкаГрид је регистровани заштитни знак компаније ЕкаГрид Системс, Инц. Сви остали заштитни знаци су власништво њихових власника.