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Priča o uspjehu kupaca

St. John's Riverside Healthcare bira ExaGrid u odnosu na konkurenciju za cijenu, performanse i jednostavnost korištenja

Pregled kupaca

St. John’s Riverside Hospital is a comprehensive network of health care services that extends from Yonkers, New York to the riverfront communities of Hastings on Hudson, Dobbs Ferry, Ardsley and Irvington. With roots in the community since 1869, St. John’s was the first hospital in Westchester County and today is a leader in providing quality, compassionate healthcare utilizing the latest state-of-the-art medical technology.

Ključne prednosti:

  • Significantly less expensive & easy to manage
  • Stope dedupe čak 29:1
  • Backup window cut in half
  • Restores take seconds
  • Besprekorna integracija sa Veritas NetBackup
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Outdated Solution Causes Serious Problems

St. John’s Riverside Hospital had been backing up the majority of its data to a combination of disk and tape, but lack of capacity led to long backup times, system slowdowns, and retention issues.

“We had simply outgrown the capacity of our old backup infrastructure and were suffering the consequences,” said Niall Pariag, senior network administrator at St. John’s Riverside Hospital. “Since we run 24/7 shifts here, we need to ensure that our backup times are as short as possible so that we don’t impact our users. When our backup times began to stretch beyond 12 hours, our server response time slowed down significantly and it simply wasn’t acceptable,” he said. According to Pariag, “Capacity was also a big issue with the disk system. Obviously, the lack of capacity affected our retention as well. We finally decided the time was right to implement a state of the art solution capable of meeting our current and future needs.”

"The ExaGrid was significantly less expensive than the other system we were considering, and we felt that ExaGrid’s post-process data deduplication technology would provide faster backups versus the competitor’s inline data deduplication approach. We didn’t want a situation where the backup software was waiting on the appliance. We’ve been very happy with both ExaGrid’s data deduplication and its backup speed. "

Niall Pariag, Senior Network Administrator

Two-Site ExaGrid System Improves Disaster Recovery, Delivers Fast Backups

After looking at various backup solutions on the market, St. John’s Riverside Hospital narrowed the field down to disk-based backup systems from ExaGrid and a leading competitor. After considering both products, the hospital eventually chose a two-site ExaGrid system along with Veritas NetBackup to back up its SQL and Oracle databases as well as other file and business data. Data is replicated each night from the main EX10000E system located in the hospital’s main datacenter to an EX5000 located offsite for disaster recovery.

“The two main reasons we chose the ExaGrid system were its approach to data deduplication and price,” said Pariag. “The ExaGrid was significantly less expensive than the other system we were considering, and we felt that ExaGrid’s post-process data deduplication technology would provide faster backups versus the competitor’s inline data deduplication approach. We didn’t want a situation where the backup software was waiting on the appliance. We’ve been very happy with both ExaGrid’s data deduplication and its backup speed.”

ExaGrid upisuje sigurnosne kopije direktno u zonu odredišta disk-cachea, izbjegavajući inline obradu i osiguravajući najveće moguće performanse sigurnosne kopije, što rezultira najkraćim prozorom za pravljenje rezervnih kopija. Adaptivna deduplikacija izvodi deduplikaciju i replikaciju paralelno sa sigurnosnom kopijom za snažnu tačku oporavka (RPO). Kako se podaci dedupliciraju u spremište, oni se također mogu replicirati na drugu ExaGrid lokaciju ili javni oblak za oporavak od katastrofe (DR).

“As we researched options, we began to wonder if the salespeople were inflating the product’s performance claims, and we weren’t sure if the ExaGrid solution could meet their stated performance,” said Pariag. “The ExaGrid has been delivering dedupe ratios as high as 29:1 for our SQL data. In our environment, the ExaGrid system has met or exceeded the claims made during the sales process.”

Since installing the ExaGrid system, the hospital’s backup times have been significantly reduced, and retention has improved. Backup times have been cut in half to six hours, and the hospital’s retention has been increased from one week to three months. “Our backups are now extremely fast, and we don’t have to worry about pushing up against our backup window,” said Pariag. “In addition, we’re able to retain three months of data on ExaGrid. Restores are also so much faster than they were before. We can restore information directly off the ExaGrid, and it takes seconds.”

Easy to Install and Maintain, Expert Support

Pariag said he worked with the ExaGrid customer support engineer assigned to the hospital to set the system up and was surprised at how simple and straightforward the process was and how easy it is to manage the system.

“There isn’t a lot to manage on the ExaGrid system because the system basically runs by itself. The interface is easy to use, and all the monitoring information is on one screen. It’s a lot easier and less complicated than other systems to manage,” he said. “Our ExaGrid support engineer has been extremely helpful to us. We switched to NetBackup when we installed the ExaGrid, so everything was new to us. Our ExaGrid support engineer is very knowledgeable about NetBackup, and he actually helped set it up for us. He made it really easy.”

ExaGrid sistem je dizajniran da bude jednostavan za postavljanje i rad. ExaGrid-ovi vodeći inženjeri za podršku na nivou 2 dodijeljeni su pojedinačnim klijentima, osiguravajući da uvijek rade s istim inženjerom. Korisnici se nikada ne moraju ponavljati raznim pomoćnim osoblju, a problemi se brzo rješavaju.

System Scalability Prevents Forklift Upgrades

ExaGrid-ovi modeli uređaja mogu se miješati i upariti u jedan sistem skaliranja koji omogućava potpunu sigurnosnu kopiju do 2.7PB sa kombinovanom brzinom unosa od 488TB/h, u jednom sistemu. Uređaji se automatski pridružuju sistemu skaliranja. Svaki uređaj uključuje odgovarajuću količinu procesora, memorije, diska i propusni opseg za veličinu podataka. Dodavanjem računanja s kapacitetom, prozor sigurnosne kopije ostaje fiksne dužine kako podaci rastu. Automatsko balansiranje opterećenja kroz sva spremišta omogućava potpunu upotrebu svih uređaja. Podaci se dedupliciraju u vanmrežno spremište, a dodatno, podaci se globalno dedupliciraju u svim spremištima.

“When we purchased the ExaGrid system, we found it to be so cost-effective that we were able to get a larger system than we ordinarily would have for a reasonable price. However, it’s nice to know that we will be able to add another unit to the system at a later date if our data grows significantly. We won’t have to perform a forklift upgrade because the system was designed to be scalable,” said Pariag. “We’ve been very pleased with the ExaGrid system.”

ExaGrid i Veritas NetBackup

Veritas NetBackup pruža zaštitu podataka visokih performansi koja se prilagođava kako bi zaštitila najveća poslovna okruženja. ExaGrid je integriran i certificiran od strane Veritasa u 9 područja, uključujući Accelerator, AIR, spremište jednog diska, analitiku i druga područja kako bi se osigurala puna podrška NetBackup-a. ExaGrid Tiered Backup Storage nudi najbrže sigurnosne kopije, najbrže vraćanje i jedino pravo rješenje za skaliranje kako podaci rastu kako bi se osigurao prozor sigurnosne kopije fiksne dužine i sloj koji nije okrenut mreži (slojeviti zračni jaz) za oporavak od ransomwarea događaj.

Inteligentna zaštita podataka

ExaGrid-ov sistem rezervne kopije zasnovan na disku „ključ u ruke“ kombinuje pogone preduzeća sa deduplikacijom podataka na nivou zone, isporučujući rešenje zasnovano na disku koje je daleko isplativije od jednostavnog pravljenja rezervnih kopija na disk sa deduplikacijom ili korišćenjem softvera za pravljenje rezervnih kopija softvera za deduplikaciju na disk. ExaGrid patentirana deduplikacija na nivou zone smanjuje potreban prostor na disku za raspon od 10:1 do 50:1, ovisno o tipovima podataka i periodima zadržavanja, pohranjivanjem samo jedinstvenih objekata u sigurnosne kopije umjesto suvišnih podataka. Adaptivna deduplikacija izvodi deduplikaciju i replikaciju paralelno sa sigurnosnom kopijom. Kako se podaci dedupliciraju u spremište, oni se također repliciraju na drugu ExaGrid lokaciju ili javni oblak za oporavak od katastrofe (DR).

O ExaGridu

ExaGrid pruža višeslojnu pohranu sigurnosne kopije s jedinstvenom odredišnom zonom disk-cache koja omogućava najbrže sigurnosne kopije i vraćanje, nivo spremišta koji nudi najniže troškove za dugoročno zadržavanje i omogućava oporavak ransomware-a, i arhitekturu za skaliranje koja uključuje kompletne uređaje sa do 6PB puna rezervna kopija u jednom sistemu.

Razgovarajte s nama o vašim potrebama

ExaGrid je stručnjak za pohranu rezervnih kopija—to je sve što radimo.

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Razgovarajte s jednim od naših sistemskih inženjera

Sa ExaGrid-ovim Tiered Backup Storage-om, svaki uređaj u sistemu sa sobom nosi ne samo disk, već i memoriju, propusni opseg i procesorsku snagu—sve elemente potrebne za održavanje visokih performansi sigurnosnog kopiranja.

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Dokaz koncepta rasporeda (POC)

Testirajte ExaGrid tako što ćete ga instalirati u svoje okruženje kako biste doživjeli poboljšane performanse sigurnosne kopije, brže vraćanje, jednostavnost korištenja i skalabilnost. Stavite to na test! 8 od 10 koji ga testiraju, odluče da ga zadrže.

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