Secure and Scalable Architecture Offers Better Data Protection
Gutt appreciates ExaGrid’s unique architecture, which was a factor in the tech firm’s choice of backup storage. “ExaGrid’s scale-out architecture is highly important to us because while we sized our ExaGrid system for our customers’ current retention needs, we wanted to be able to expand the system if their retention increased further and so that we could accommodate new customers in the future. The ExaGrid team showed us that we can simply grow horizontally by adding more ExaGrid appliances to the existing system without having to forklift or replace anything,” he said.
The ExaGrid system can easily scale to accommodate data growth. ExaGrid’s computing software makes the system highly scalable, and when plugged into a switch, appliances of any size or age can be mixed and matched in a single system with capacities of up to a 2.7PB full backup plus retention and an ingest rate of up to 488TB per hour. Once virtualized, they appear as a single system to the backup server, and load balancing of all data across servers is automatic.
ExaGrid’s tiered architecture with a non-network-facing tier is more secure than other solutions. “Some of our customers worry about ransomware attacks. The way that ExaGrid is architected provides better data protection, because even if an attacker were able to get in, they wouldn’t be able to touch the repository on our ExaGrid system,” said Gutt. ExaGrid appliances have a network-facing disk-cache Landing Zone Tier where the most recent backups are stored in an undeduplicated format, for fast backup and restore performance. Data is deduplicated into a non-network-facing tier called the repository where deduplicated data is stored for longer-term retention. The combination of a non-network-facing tier (virtual air gap) plus delayed deletes with ExaGrid’s Retention Time-Lock feature, and immutable data objects, guards against the backup data being deleted or encrypted.