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Private Cloud Disaster Recovery

Private Cloud Disaster Recovery

ExaGrid supports replication from a primary site ExaGrid to a secondary site ExaGrid for disaster recovery. The disaster recovery site can be an organization’s own second data center or rented rack space at a third-party hosting facility.

On a week-to-week basis, approximately 2% of the data changes at the byte level, and therefore only 1/50th of the data needs to be transferred. ExaGrid’s deduplication requires about 1/50th of the bandwidth versus transferring undeduplicated backup data.

ExaGrid can cross-protect data. If site A is sending backups into an ExaGrid appliance and site B is also sending backups into an ExaGrid appliance, then ExaGrid can replicate the data coming into site A to site B and the data coming into site B to site A.

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ExaGrid also supports multi-hop for tertiary copies. Site A can replicate to Site B which can replicate to Site C. Or, Site A can replicate to both sites B and C. In either scenario, Site C can be ExaGrid’s VDRT in the public cloud.

ExaGrid also supports up to 16 major data centers in a cross-protection group with a master hub and 15 spokes. All spokes replicate to a master hub disaster recovery site. The data being backed up at the master disaster recovery site is replicated to any of the spoke sites for disaster recovery.

Over 50% of ExaGrid’s customers have both an onsite and offsite ExaGrid system or local backup and restores and then replicating to a second-site ExaGrid as a second data center for disaster recovery.

ExaGrid has a unique advantage for unidirectional replication. If the second site is for disaster recovery only, then the second-site ExaGrid can be configured to be used as a repository only. ExaGrid is asymmetrical as the second-site system can have the front-end Landing Zone and repository disk all be used as a repository. All other solutions are symmetrical, which requires the same size system on both sides of the replication. This unique ExaGrid approach allows a half-size system to be used at the second site which saves valuable budget dollars over other solutions.

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With ExaGrid’s Tiered Backup Storage, each appliance in the system brings with it not only disk, but also memory, bandwidth, and processing power—all the elements needed to maintain high backup performance.

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