IT Team Tests and Can’t Corrupt Secure ExaGrid System
Lieshout is taking full advantage of ExaGrid’s Retention Time-Lock for Ransomware Recovery (RTL) and has a policy set in place so that Sioux Technologies is prepared to recover if ever faced with a ransomware attack and is also impressed with the comprehensive security that ExaGrid Tiered Backup Storage provides.
“One of my favorite features is the role-based access control (RBAC). In our case, even with a team of three people who do everything, the operator cannot set a retention period without the security officer,” he said.
“We don’t always believe what the salespeople say. When anyone claims that a solution is ‘perfect,’ my team puts that to the test. It’s sort of a game to get it corrupted so we can say, ‘look, this is not safe’ because that’s what a hacker does. Honestly, I can’t make ExaGrid defect, because I cannot get into the ExaGrid Repository Tier, so it feels more safe and secure than other solutions.”
ExaGrid appliances have a network-facing disk cache Landing Zone where the most recent backups are stored in an undeduplicated format for fast backup and restore performance. Data is deduplicated into a non-network-facing tier called the Repository Tier, for longer-term retention. ExaGrid’s unique architecture and features provide comprehensive security including RTL, and through the combination of a non-network-facing tier (tiered air gap), a delayed delete policy, and immutable data objects, backup data is protected from being deleted or encrypted. ExaGrid’s offline tier is ready for recovery in the event of an attack.