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Customer Success Stories

Customer Success Stories

View Over 300+ Customer Success Stories

Hutchinson Ports Sohar Uses ExaGrid-Veeam Solution for Comprehensive Data Protection Strategy
"“Veeam and ExaGrid are both very user-friendly, and using them together is like using one solution.""
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ABC Companies Opts for ExaGrid over Data Domain for Price, Manageability, and Features
"Effective data deduplication translates into big savings, especially when you consider replication. ExaGrid’s data deduplication does a fantastic job at reducing our data, and it enabled us to purchase a smaller system, shorten backup times and improve disaster recovery."
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Fuel Tech Replaces Aging Data Domain with Scalable ExaGrid System for Better Backup Performance
"We wanted to continue to use Veeam, but realized we needed newer technology; we wanted to find a solution that would be able to grow and adapt to our needs in the future."
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ExaGrid-Veeam Solution Modernizes Backup Environment for Wholesale Power Cooperative
"We are constantly receiving data from several locations across the state, and ExaGrid's data deduplication has helped us to work within our limited bandwidth."
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G&W Electric Boosts Data Restore Speed by 90% Using ExaGrid and Veeam
"The price quote for two ExaGrid systems came in $40,000 less than Dell EMC Data Domain's quote for one device! Between the customer testimonials, the great pricing, and the five-year support contract—which is absolutely amazing—I knew I wanted to go with ExaGrid."
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Eastern Propane and Oil Reduces Backup Window by Over 80% with ExaGrid and Veeam
"Using ExaGrid and Veeam has made my job so much easier in terms of managing backups and restores – it's definitely streamlined the process for us, and it’s very quick and easy to restore data now. The speed with which we restore data, or a virtual machine for that matter, is light-years beyond what we had before."
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American Industrial Transport Switches to ExaGrid from Tape – Results in 50% Shorter Backup Windows and Cost/Time Savings
"Backing up terabytes of data requires a huge number of tapes, and that's a big outlay of money. Sometimes people might think that they're not going to save money using disk because it costs more, but when you think about it, the cost of tape is pretty expensive, and the benefits of using ExaGrid—the savings from deduplication and the restore speeds—blow tape out of the water."
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Associated British Ports Installs ExaGrid, Backup Windows Reduced by 92%
"I'm very happy with the combination of ExaGrid and Veeam. I don't want to use anything else."
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Greenchoice Gains 20 Hours Per Week After Switching to ExaGrid
"Our largest backup takes three and a half hours, and that's nothing compared to what it was before. Backup is easily five to six times faster."
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Transit Authority Replaces Dell EMC Data Domain with ExaGrid, Cuts Backup Window by 40%
"With Dell EMC Data Domain, I was spending more time doing daily monitoring and trying to figure out where I could save on disk space here and there. Now, I just do a quick view to make sure everything is 'in the green,' and that’s it - I’m done for the day. I save half my day NOT managing our backup storage!"
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Vermont Electric Power Company Plugs in ExaGrid, Improves Backups and Restores
"ExaGrid's data deduplication technology enables us to store a lot of data in a small footprint.  Without deduplication, the costs would be astronomical."
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ExaGrid Helps Backups Flow Smoothly at Rancho California Water District
"The cost of the two-site ExaGrid system was far less than the cost of adding a shelf and drives to our SAN. We reclaimed the space on the SAN and got a better backup solution with disaster recovery capabilities for less money."
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Eby-Brown Gains Faster Backups and Restores with ExaGrid
"Before we purchased our two-site ExaGrid system, we performed a cost analysis that showed installing two ExaGrid systems would cost less over time than tape. When you consider the cost of tape, transportation and the amount of time our IT staff had devoted to managing tape and performing restores, purchasing the ExaGrid system is a no-brainer."
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